First Blog of the New Site! Welcome to My New Spot, Be Home!

Blog 1 on the new site! I’m am very excited to share with you all look at my site.

I thought it would be a good idea to take a tour of the new site, my new Web-Home the Homepage or Landing Page. My hope is to keep it fresh, like the food we love! I’ll try to update pictures and or videos if not weekly, a couple times each month, at least. The Blog Page is the kick-off coming soon @curtisaikens.netVision Page

At this point in my journey knowing what I did not Know, Back then, I Know, in LIFE interesting changes happen before we Know. (Side note I know I used Know 4 times in that sentence, you English Majors new rules, sorry K-no-W rules, just communicate) I do believe our visions change. However, there are some Constance

1: I will always be an advocate for literacy and education is not where we start, it’s where we are and we want to Go. If one can read, one can learn, on one’s own! Education, Knowledge with those two on your team this game of life gets fun! If you don’t know, now you know!

2: advocate for Health, as I’ve said to many of my life audiences the men in my family leave us by age 72. I want to change that trend I turned 60 my next birthday. This Aikens plans to live to be 102, I may get hit by a bus tomorrow, however, diabetes, with all its complications won’t take me out.! We can beat diabetes I can help you manage your diabetes. I am happy to share my success, my struggles, my grind with managing Diabetes, with the aim of, educating, motivation with the hope of inspiring you to take charge of your health! The 3Ms, Meals, Move & Meds when needed! If you visit you will learn about the 3Ms count on it!


Food, fresh foods, vibrant food, whole foods are part of who I am from my father, my grandfathers, my mother, my grandmothers they all loved food they grew, I grow food love we preparing food, we enjoy serving great food. I love being part of that heritage. I love sharing my as well as my Family’s love for Wonder-filled Foods I gonna do that! Recipes for Me, Mama, Sisters, Nieces and you if you want to share!

Food should sustain us, not kill us, LESS processing of what we eat! More Whole Foods, home cooked Foods, Meals made & enjoyed with love, that’s what will foster and what we plan to be about.

Recipes old and new tried-and-true yeah I want to share recipes from friends and colleagues people that love the site feel free to send me your recipes!
My daily blog it’s not just me I want to have guest writers I want to share the light that I have been given by the power greater than me it’s about helping people right, for friends like you are Family 2 !

WELCOME TO THE NEW CURTISAIKENS.NET (LA,LA SA BON-TA-RUE LA) Let the good times Roll!Curtis G Aikens  wow youngster 

1 Comment

  • by Diane Davidson Posted June 21, 2018 12:29 am

    Go Curtis, Go