WalMart! Say what?

Dharma yoga love you Nat-Mo

Don’t laugh you shop there too! Right?
Hell, they are everywhere, so I swing in to grab a loaf of bread, It never ceases to amaze me how many selections we have to choose from. However, before making my Pick, I check myself to be sure I don’t end up in someone’s video about WalMart shoppers! Yes, we’ve all seen them, some made us Cry, because we were laughing so hard! I start the inspection, by pulling out the iPhone, selfie mode, nothing hanging from my nose, nothing green in my teeth, the phone goes away! Zipper up, shirt tucked, shoes tied, don’t want to trip over my leases!  OK I’m feeling pretty confident if I’m in someone’s picture, nothing to laugh at.

Back to Bread, I swear there are 60 different loaves of bread I settle for the Original Alfraro’s  Artesano, that’ all I came for, so, go get out! Before you Sir come to all the cookies, cakes, candies and, all the other shit that’s making us become the obese, diabetic country we are. Wow, that sounded harsh, oh well the truth hurts.
Got my Bread, headed out, as I’m rounding the corner this little, Beautiful, grand Mama, type looking woman, is turning her cart nearly crashing it in the region men’s  joy and pain could happen, ( I love working Maze featuring Frankie Beverly song title into my work😄), I do a quick hop right,  no pain, all Gain! She looks at me with a smile that every 23 years old would be envious of, then says “ excuse me, I am the only person shipping here”

Wicked Cool! ( Jill and my New Englanders ya like the way I use Wicked)we went in opposite directions. Me telling myself not to buy those .50, pies, pecan, lemon, blueberry oh or cherry and peach, I lost or did I win because I have 2 pies now! Peach &cherry I’ll burn them off.
So what is it about Wally-Mart that causes you to wander around? I have left yet I’m still in the isles, I venture down the canned fruit I never buy canned fruit, there is the Grand Mama type, I say type because I don’t know, she may not even have kids! Hell what if she cannot stand kids! She has 3 cans of fruit cocktail in her hands, asks me
“ excuse me hon, would you be a dear and grab me a can of that fruit cocktail off the top shelf” be my pleasure was my reply!
I am in my head thinking if you were 25 years younger or  I was 25 years old or we might be opening a can or 2 of fruit cocktail together! Side note I am not making any of this up!
As we are putting the can good into her buggy.
This old Player Grand Dad type, says “ The benefits of being tall you can reach stuff on the high shelves, how tall are you 6 foot 20, “ we laughed and I think The Woman did as well. As  I walked away she thank me again, I think she winked, Go Granny!
I do Believe the Old Player was getting closer to her. Maybe they are opening one of those fruit cocktails!

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