Quote of the Week: sent from my Coach Jacob
(I like to give this quote out as a reminder that when we feel frustrated or stuck, it is often because we are attached to an idea, belief or goal that is not really serving us.)
After a full meal a large raptor soared skyward with the unconsumed portion of his prey. As he rose above the trees crows appeared from many directions. The crows flew at the raptor, diving and striking. They called him names and swore at him. He flew only with great difficulty because of the heavy corpse and his full stomach. The crows were making his life hell, but he stubbornly continued to cling to his burden. Finally, he had to release his prey in order to flee the annoying crows. As soon as he let go of the prize, the hungry crows followed the corpse down, leaving the raptor alone in the sky. He flew away having attained freedom from suffering by letting go of greed. – As told by David Life.
The following is an Excerpt From
The Inner Tradition of Yoga
Michael Stone & Richard Freeman
“Abhiniveśa is the fear of letting go of the story of “I, me, mine.” The fear of death entails more than the loss of this body, rather it goes to the heart of our deepest attachment: the stories of “me” and the corresponding belief in a substantial and enduring self. Abhiniveśa is the thirst for further existence. It is the fear of letting go of all forms of attachment and aversion. Why? Because the construction of self creates separation from that which is occurring in the present by splitting experience into “me” and “that,” subject and object. When we let go of the continual construction of a self or even the need to be a “somebody,” then we are free to be who we are. When we are completely ourselves, we forget about needing to be the center of our perceptual world and thus we can take in others and our environment with greater sensitivity, compassion, and openness.
In essence, Pattabhi Jois described what many yoga practitioners experience as practice matures, namely, that one cannot work exclusively on the physical aspects of yoga without also working with the psychological dimension of practice. To leave out the role of psychology[…]”
Excerpt From
The Inner Tradition of Yoga
Michael Stone & Richard Freeman
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